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The IMPACT Intensive sessions address the program goals by helping the trainees to explore along two threads: The real world impact of their research, and their personal career plan. As they are training for research-related careers, these two threads are intrinsically intertwined and interdependent. Nevertheless, the particular actions we take in exploring the two threads are a bit different, so it is helpful to consider them separately.
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Advance trainees’ abilities to shape and create career opportunities, and to become the stewards of (take ownership of) their careers:
- Challenge them to explore and defend the real-world impact of their research
- Develop capacity to talk about their work and themselves to diverse audiences
- Increase their appreciation for different career paths, and for the mechanisms through which research progresses from the lab to real-world impact
- Help them build, support, and use diverse professional networks
- Craft pro-active strategies for their personal career development
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Advance trainees’ abilities to shape and create career opportunities, and to become the stewards of (take ownership of) their careers:
- Challenge them to explore and defend the real-world impact of their research
- Develop capacity to talk about their work and themselves to diverse audiences
- Increase their appreciation for different career paths, and for the mechanisms through which research progresses from the lab to real-world impact
- Help them build, support, and use diverse professional networks
- Craft pro-active strategies for their personal career development